High Country PETS!
March 21-23, 2025
Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado You want to be there!
(Register by March 1 to avoid late charges! - Register here!)

Welcome Presidents-Elect, Presidents-Elect Nominee and Rotary Leaders 
As the Chair of the Planning Committee, I welcome you High Country President Elects Training (HCPETS) at the Embassy Suites in beautiful Loveland, Colorado. We look forward to seeing you on March 21-23, 2025. You will be joined by Club Presidents-Elect (PEs), Presidents-Elect Nominee (PENs), Area Governors (AGs) and other Rotary and Rotaract leaders from our four member Districts in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, and SW Idaho. 
We are planning a full weekend of fellowship, education and inspiration! You will have the opportunity to meet and build friendships with Rotary peers in clubs just like yours, as well as senior Rotary leaders and staff. You will also meet representatives from Rotary projects, allied organizations , and vendors to inspire you and give you new ideas to take home to your clubs. Our education team is preparing classes that will provide you with the information and tools you need to lead your clubs. We have special tracks for PEs, PENs, and AGs. You will also have special sessions prepared by your District Governor-Elect that will focus on information specific to your district.
We are assembling an outstanding lineup of Senior Rotary Leaders including incoming Rotary President Mario Cesar Martins de Camargo, and incoming Rotary Director Wyn Spiller.  We also plan to have members of Rotary staff join us to answer your Rotary questions throughout the weekend.
This year, for the first time, we are meeting at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado. This is a convenient, comfortable property that will welcome you and make you feel right at home. This property is set up to give you the opportunity to meet new Rotary friends and make wonderful Rotary memories!
Your job for the weekend is to learn, enjoy, and have fun.
All of us on the Planning Committee look forward to meeting you.
Welcome to High Country PETS 2025!
Thank you,
PDG Chris Woodruff, Chair
2025 High Country PETS

If you have been selected to serve as president of your Rotary club in 2026-27
you will want to put next year's High Country PETS in your calendar

March 20-22, 2026
at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, Colorado 
HIGH COUNTRY PETS is excited to again welcome
Presidents-elect and Presidents-elect Nominee and spouses from Four Rotary Districts:
5440 - Wyoming, N. Colorado, W. Nebraska (Scottsbluff, Morrill) and ​​​E. Idaho (Teton Valley)
5450 - Denver and surrounding areas
5470 - Western and Southern Colorado
5630 - Western Nebraska
Visit our site again. We will update information as we continue planning High Country PETS 2025!